Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hello & Merry Christmas - Where is everybody??

Joanne Braman-Palmer here -- Wow - over 2 weeks and it's quiet - is everyone busy Christmas shopping and getting ready for Santa Claus?? Anyway, everyone have a Merry Christmas - hope to see some people post their pictures of Christmas - I know something that might be great - take a picture of your Christmas trees and presents on Christmas morning - let's see who gets the most!! There is one problem, for me, though - I didn't put up a Christmas tree this year - it's been too crazy and we don't have the girls christmas day. I'm going to Diane's house for lasagna and we're bringing mom home for Christmas day at her house (Diane's house now). I know -- I'll take a picture of Christmas at Diane's. Diane's grandson, Tyler, gets millions of presents under the Christmas tree. Can't wait to see your pictures - Merry Christmas - Joanne Braman-Palmer

1 comment:

Tom Daoust said...

I was beginning to wonder the same thing, Joanne. Where is everyone? But you are right...there should be plenty of opps to take pictures at Christmas time. We will have 10 at our house for Christmas dinner. Since we don't have much (Daoust) family here we kind of construct our own. We will post pictures.