Saturday, November 10, 2007

Another Ceramic Memory

Growing up in our house, we had a special bowl we called the Army bowl. Our dad (Edward Daoust) brought it home from his service in the Army and it had an Army medical symbol on it. It was heavy and different, so it was special. All of us kids tried to be the one to get the Army bowl, for ice cream, or cereal, or blackberries with milk and sugar.

A few years ago I found out that my brother Paul had somehow acquired the Army bowl, and I wanted a turn to enjoy it. He was a little reluctant to give it up at first, so I found one on eBay and bid on it. As I was about to get my own Army bowl, Paul finally agreed to let me have the Army bowl with all the memories attached to it. So I went ahead and had the eBay Army bowl shipped to him. Now we both enjoy the Army bowl.

Coming up? Does anyone remember my mother's washcloth slippers? I believe she shared them with her nieces, nephews and grands.

1 comment:

Paul J. Daoust said...

As I am reading your post I am enjoying a bowl of Cheerios in the Army Bowl Dish, as we used to call it.