Friday, November 16, 2007

Ponton on line...

Since I'm sitting at Lisa's house in North Carolina, I don't exactly have all my stuff to post pictures that are stored on my own computer, etc. Once the baby here is born I'll be sure to share a picture through this machine, but until then, you've got text from me...

So what's going on with us, you ask?

In October 2004, we lost Bob's Mom to complications of recovery from heart surgery. Since Bob is an only child and so is his dad, this set up a real desire to be back east again. A small piece of property with the requisite 4 car garage came up for sale near his dad in Machias, NY. We bought it as a place to head when lots of company goes there - has a three bedroom mobile home on site. Also, we anticipate getting old out there and Bob can't exist without more garage space than the two car attached at his dad's.

In January 2006, a glassblowing job came available for Bob in Ohio at the University of Akron. Akron happens to be halfway between Lime Lake (Machias) and Cincinnati where Rick lives with his family (3 grandsons). So we've spent the last two years Mon-Fri living in a rented townhouse in Stow, OH and Sat and Sun either in NY or Cinci.

Now, Lisa is in North Carolina as a faculty member at Elon University. This year, she decided that since age 35 is coming pretty quick (Dec. 1) she wanted to start a family regardless of having a spouse. She has spent the last nine months growing the fourth of our grandsons (after visits to a fertility clinic). Due any day, as I've said.

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